(5월)부처님오신날 정상운영 안내 | |
작성자 : 관리자( 작성일 : 24.05.13 | |
안녕하세요. 저희 서울한방진흥센터는 2024.5.15 부처님 오신날★ 정상운영합니다. 부처의 탄생을기념하는날, 본래 석가탄신일로 불리었으나 2018년 부처님 오신날로 공식명칭을 변경하였습니다 초파일이라고도 합니다.★★ 저희 서울한방진흥센터에 오셔서 한의약박물관을 관람하시면서 불교와 약초, 한약간의 깊은 관계를 이해해 보세요.★★★ hello Our Seoul k Medicenter is 2024.5.15 Buddha’s birthday.★★★ Operating normally. The day commemorating the birth of Buddha, it was originally called Buddha's Birthday, but its official name was changed to Buddha's Birthday in 2018. It is also called Chopil Day.★★★ The day commemorating the birth of Buddha, it was originally called Buddha's Birthday, but its official name was changed to Buddha's Birthday in 2018. It is also called Chopil Day.★★★ Come to our Seoul k Medicenter and visit the Oriental Medicine Museum to understand the deep relationship between Buddhism, medicinal herbs, and herbal medicine.★★★ #서울한방진흥센터 #서울약령시한의약박물관 #한방북토크 #북토크 #한의학 #한의약 #한약 #약초 #건강 #아이와함께 #가볼만한곳 #봄나들이 #서울 #동대문구 #경동시장 #박물관
이전글 | 인턴일기 1편-만원의 행복 |
다음글 | (5월)어린이날 정상 운영 안내 |